Humans, like their finger-prints are unique, and individualistic. Except in extremely rare cases, two finger-prints will not be identical. This is true, even in case of congenital undivided twins. But, Bhagavad Gita tries to classify humans into three categories, with three distinct qualities of Prowess (Satwa or Satva in Sanskrit), Quality of Arrogance and Pride (Rajas or RajO guNa in Sanskrit), and Quality of Ignorance and Inertia (tamas or tamO guNa). While we cannot have humans with 100% satva or rajas or tamas, we may find across the globe, persons with composite personalities, not necessarily 33.33% each.
If any American Citizen is interested he can try to classify all the American Presidents since 1776 by allocating percentages of each of the three qualities, to each American President, and compare their living styles, Adminisration. This type of analyses can be done for Indian Presidents, and Prime Ministers, or for that matter Heads of State, Heads of Governments of any country. An analysis of the 2016 American Presidential Candidates can also be done, on the basis of this classification technique. For Example Mr. Donald Trump can be classified as 25% satva, 50% rajasa, 25% tamasa, whereas Mr. Bernie Sanders can be estimated at 50% satva, 25% rajasa, 25% tamasa. Important: These are all subjective concepts.
14. guNa traya vibhAga yOga
(Three quality classification of humans)
param bhuuya: pravakshyaami gnaanaanaam gnaanam uttamam
yaj gnaatvaa munaya: sarvee paraam siddhim itoo gataa:
idam gnaanam upaas`ritya mama saadharmyam aagataa:
sargee api noopajaayamtee pralayee na vyathamti ca
mama yoonir mahad brahma tasmin garbham dadhaami aham
sambhava: sarva bhuutaanaam tatoo bhavati bhaarata
sarvayoonishu kaumteeya muurtaya: sambhavamti yaa:
taasaam brahma mahad yoonir aham biijaprada: pitaa
sattvam rajas tama iti gun`aa: prakrutisambhavaa:
nibadhnamti mahaa baahoo deehee deehinam avyayam
tatra sattvam nirmalatvaat prakaas`akam anaamayam
sukhasamgeena badhnaati gnaanasamgeena ca anagha
rajoo raagaatmakam viddhi trushn`aasamgasamudbhavam
tan nibadhnaati kaumteeya karmasamgeena deehinam
tamas tv agnaanajam viddhi moohanam sarvadeehinaam
pramaadaalasyanidraabhis tan nibadhnaati bhaarata
sattvam sukhee samjayati raja: karman`i bhaarata
gnaanam aavrutya tu tama: pramaadee samjayati uta
rajas tamas` ca abhibhuuya sattvam bhavati bhaarata
raja: sattvam tamas` ca iva tama: sattvam rajas tathaa
sarvadvaareeshu deehee asmin prakaas`a upajaayatee
gnaanam yadaa tadaa vidyaad vivruddham sattvam iti uta
loobha: pravruttir aarambha: karman`aam as`ama: spruhaa
rajasi eetaani jaayamtee vivruddhee bharatarshabha
aprakaas`oo apravruttis` ca pramaadoo mooha eeva ca
tamasi eetaani jaayamtee vivruddhee kurunandana
yadaa sattvee pravruddhee tu pralayam yaati deehabhrut
tadoottamavidaam lookaan amalaan pratipadyatee
rajasi pralayam gatvaa karmasamgishu jaayatee
tathaa praliinas tamasi muud`hayoonishu jaayatee
karman`a: sukrutasyaahu: saattvikam nirmalam phalam
rajasas tu phalam du:kham agnaanam tamasa: phalam
sattvaat samjaayatee gnaanam rajasoo loobha eeva ca
pramaadamoohau tamasoo bhavatoo agnaanam eeva ca
uurdhvam gachchhamti sattvasthaa madhyee tisht`hamti raajasaa:
jaghanyagun`avruttasthaa adhoo gachchhamti taamasaa:
naanyam gun`eebhya: kartaaram yadaa drasht`aanupas`yati
gun`eebhyas` ca param veetti madbhaavam soo adhigachchhati
gun`aan eetaan atiitya triin deehii deehasamudbhavaan
janmamrutyujaraadu:khair vimuktoo amrutam as`nutee
The Lord said:
I taught you the "knowledge best among the knowledges", knowing which all the sages attained the Supreme Deliverance. (THREE QUAL 1).
By practising this knowledge, the sages have synchronised their characteristics with mine. At the time of the Mass Disaster, they have not suffered death or rebirth. (THREE QUAL 2).
I am the Insemnator. The Great Creator is the uterus for the insemnation.
(Comment: Some translators called this the Nature. .)
I plant the sperm of life in it. With it, all the Living Creatures are born. (THREE QUAL 3).
Arjuna! For all wombs (all the wombs of the Creatures) from which the bodies are born, the master womb is the "Creator (Nature?). I am the father and the seed-donor. (THREE QUAL 4).
The three qualities (Satvam=Tolerant Strength, Rajas=Kingthrust, Tamas+Ignorance and dormant (we can coin the word ignodorma) are born from the Nature. These three qualities bind both the body and the Living Soul. (THREE QUAL 5).
Among the three, the ToleStrong is pure, bright, and peaceful. This binds the Living Soul with Knowledge and Bliss. (THREE QUAL 6).
Know that the Kingthrust is full of attachment. It is born from the desire and interest. The KingSpurt binds the Living Soul with thrust for Action. (THREE QUAL 7).
Know that the IgnoDorma is born from ignorance. It tempts all the Creatures. IgnoDorma binds the Living Soul with neglect, procrastination and sleep. (THREE QUAL 8).
Oh Person of Bharata Clan! ToleStrong leads the Living Soul towards bliss; the KingThrust binds the Soul in Action; the IgnoDorma engulfs Knowledge and lands him Complacence. (THREE QUAL 9).
ToleStrong tries to overpower the KingThrust and the IgnoDorma. The KingThrust tries to overpower the ToleSTrong and the IgnoDorma. The IgnoDorma tries to control the ToleStrong and the KingThrust. That means there is a triangular conflict among the three qualities..(THREE QUAL 10)
In the body, among the apertures of sensual cognity like ears, if there is a feeling of comfort and relief through a feeling of greater knowledge and education, it can be said that the ToleStrong is improving over the other two. (THREE QUAL 11).
When the KingThrust is in its ascent in the body, we can see the indications like covetousness, determination and adamence, irressistable urge to start Actions, Insatiable desire for sensual pleasures. (THREE QUAL 12).
When the IgnoDorma dominates, indications such as indiscrimination, inaction, inattentiveness, temptation can be found. (THREE QUAL 13).
When ToleStrong is on a high, the Living Soul leaves the body and attains the higher Heavens which are facile for the Seekers. (THREE QUAL 14).
When the KingThrust is on a high, the Living Soul which leaves the body, it will seek a body of Active Humans. When the IgnoDorma is on a high, if a Living Soul leaves the body, it will again take up an inferior womb.
(Comment: Animals? A threat?)
Actions characterised by ToleStrong will have pure bliss as the result.
Actions characterised by KingThurst will have miserty as the result.
Actions characterised by IgnoDorma will have ignorance as the result. (THREE QUAL 17).
Born are Knowledge from ToleStrong, Covetousness from the KingThrust, Inert Temptation from the IgnoDorma. (THREE QUAL 18).
A Living Soul cannot see a Doer distinct from the Three Qualities. If the Living Soul can recognise me who is an omnipresent intercurrent Supreme Spirit, will attain Union with Me. (THREE QUAL 19).
The Living Soul which overcomes and goes beyond the Three Qualities will be delivered from the miseries of birth, death and oldageand attain immortality and the Supreme Bliss. (THREE QUAL 20)
arjuna uvaacha
kair limgais triin gun`aan eetaan atiitoo bhavati prabhoo
kimaachaara: katham ca itaams triin gun`aan ativartatee
s`riibhagavaan uvaacha
prakaas`am ca pravruttim ca mooham eeva ca paamd`ava
na dveesht`i sampravruttaani na nivruttaani kaamkshati
udaasiinavad aasiinoo gun`air yoo na vichaalyatee
gun`aa vartamta iti eeva yoo avatisht`hati neemgatee
samadu:khasukha: svastha: samaloosht`aas`makaamchana:
tulyapriyaapriyoo dhiiras tulyanindaatmasamstuti:
maanaavamaanayoos tulyas tulyoo mitraaripakshayoo:
sarvaarambhaparityaagii gun`aatiita: sa uchyatee
maam ca yoo avyabhichaareen`a bhaktiyoogeena seevatee
sa gun`aan samatiityaitaan brahmabhuuyaaya kalpatee
brahman`oo hi pratisht`haaham amrutasya avyayasya ca
s`aas`vatasya ca dharmasya sukhasyaikaamtikasya ca
s`riibhagavaan uvaacha
Arjuna said: Lord! What are the identifications of a person who has overcome these three qualities (briefly TQ Conquerer or TQC)? What customs does he follow? What strategies and techniques does he adopt? (THREE QUALITIES 21).
The TQC does not hate wisdom, attachment to worldly life, and temptation, even if they originate on their own in him. If they exhaust on their own, he does not long for them. (THREE QUALITIES 22).
The TQC appears to be uninterested. He is not perturbed by them. He is aware that the three qualities are discharging their duties and functions and is not therefore disturbed by them. Hence is beyond the three qualities. (THREE QUALITIES 23).
The TQC is equanimous to both comforts and hardships. He treats a peace of stone and gold equally. He is equanimous to both what is pleasant and unpleasant and is courageous. He takes both praise and abuse equally. (THREE QUALITIES 24).
The TQC treats both honor and dishonor equally. Treats both friends and foes equally. He relinquishes all Actions. (THREE QUALITIES 25).
The one who serves me with utmost devotion and solitary intimacy, such person overcome the three qualities and will be entitled to attain the State of Union with me. (THREE QUALITIES 26).
I am the shelter for the Supreme Spirit, for the eternal deliverance, the everlasting righteousness and the solitarily intimate comfort. (THREE QUALITIES 27).
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