VIG 01
maii aasaktamanaa: paartha yoogam yumjan madaas`raya:
asams`ayam samagram maam yathaa gnaasyasi tach chhrun`u
Krishna says: 'Listen to me! Take interest and refuge in me. Unite with me. You will know me completely.'
gnaanam tee aham savignaanam idam vakshyaami as`eeshata:
yat gnaatvaa neeha bhuuyoo anyat gnaatavyam avas`ishyatee
K says: 'I shall teach you that complete knowledge, by learning which you will not have to learn any other knowledge again.'
VIG 03
manushyaan`aam sahasreeshu kas` chid yatati siddhayee
yatataam api siddhaanaam kas` chin maam veetti tatvata:
One among a thousand tries to attain me. In spite of their best efforts only one understands me philosophically.
VIG 04
bhuumir aapoo analoo vaayu: kham manoo buddhir eeva ca
ahamkaara itiiyam mee bhinnaa prakrutir asht`adhaa
Krishna said 'Earth, water, fire, wind, sky, mind, intellect, ego --these eight are my different natures.'
VIG 05
apareeyam itas tv anyaam prakrutim viddhi mee paraam
jiivabhuutaam mahaa baahoo yayeedam dhaaryatee jagat
Krishna says: Apart from these external 'natures', know that I am the real 'nature' which supports this Universe.
VIG 06
eetad yooniini bhuutaani sarvaan`i iti upadhaaraya
aham krutsnasya jagata: prabhava: pralayas tathaa
Krishna said: 'At the time of great disaster, I re-create all the creatures.'
VIG 07
mat ta: parataram na anyat
kim chid asti dhanamjaya
maii sarvam idam prootam
suutree man`igan`aa iva
Krishna said: 'Beyond me, there is nothing else. All the 'natures' remain in me like gems in a bead.'
VIG 08
rasoo aham apsu kaumteeya prabha asmi s`as`I suuryayoo:
pran`ava: sarva veedeeshu s`abda: khee paurusham nrushu
Krishna said: I am like the essense in water. I am like the light in the Sun and the Moon. The sounds, tones of the Vedic chants. The sky. The valor of men.
VIG 09
pun`yoo gandha: pruthivyaam ca teejas` ca asmi vibhaavasau
jiivanam sarvabhuuteeshu tapas` ca asmi tapasvishu
Krishna said: 'The sweet smell of the Earth is I. The brilliance of Fire is I. The living force among all creatures is I. The penance of the ascetics, is I.
biijam maam sarva bhuutaanaam viddhi paartha sanaatanam
buddhir buddhi mataam asmi teejas teejasvinaam aham
Krishna said: 'I am the seed in all creatures. I am the intellect, among intellectuals. I am the brilliance in the brilliant persons.'
VIG 11
balam balavataam ca aham kaama raaga vivarjitam
dharma aviruddhoo bhuuteeshu kaamoo asmi bharatarshabha
Krishna says: "I am the 'strength' among strong persons who are free from desire and passion. I am the 'desire' among those wishful persons who are virtuous.
VIG 12
yee ca iva saatvikaa bhaavaa raajasaas taamasaas` ca yee
mat ta eeva iti taan viddhi na tv aham teeshu tee maii
Krishna says: 'These three types (Saatvika=Energetic but peaceful and self controlled, Raajasa= kingly-excitable, Taamasa = ignorant-inactive) of traits in humans are I.'
VIG 13
tribhir gun`a mayair bhaavair eebhi: sarvam idam jagat
moohitam na abhijaanaati maam eebhya: param avyayam.
Krishna said: SRT (Saatvik, Raajas, Taamas)-these three qualities of mine make the entire world. Ignorant persons under temptation do not understand me as the ultimate and the infinite.
VIG 14
daivii hi eeshaa gun`amaiii mama maayaa duratyayaa
maam eeva yee prapadyamtee maayaam eetaam taramti tee
VIG 15
na maam dushkrutinoo muud`haa: prapadyamtee naraadhamaa:
maayayaapahrutagnaanaa aasuram bhaavam aas`ritaa:
VIG 16
ca turvidhaa bhajamtee maam janaa: sukrutinoo arjuna
aartoo jignaasur arthaarthii gnaanii ca bharatarshabha
VIG 17
teeshaam gnaanii nitya yukta eeka bhaktir vis`ishyatee
priyoo hi gnaaninoo atyartham aham sa ca mama priya:
VIG 18
udaaraa: sarva eeva itee gnaanii tv aatma iva mee matam
aasthita: sa hi yukta atmaa maam eeva anuttamaam gatim
VIG 19
bahuunaam janmanaam amtee gnaanavaan maam prapadyatee
vaasudeeva: sarvam iti sa mahaatmaa sudurlabha:
VIG 20
kaamais tais tair hrutagnaanaa: prapadyamtee anyadeevataa:
tam tam niyamam aasthaaya prakrutyaa niyataa: svayaa
VIG 21
yoo yoo yaam yaam tanum bhakta: s`raddhayaarchitum ichchhati
tasya tasyaachalaam s`raddhaam taam eeva vidadhaami aham
VIG 22
sa tayaa s`raddhayaa yuktas tasyaa raadhanam iihatee
labhatee ca tata: kaamaan mayaiva vihitaan hi taan
VIG 23
amtavat tu phalam teeshaam tad bhavati alpameedhasaam
deevaan deevayajoo yaamti madbhaktaa yaamti maam api
VIG 24
avyaktam vyaktim aapannam manyamtee maam abuddhaya:
param bhaavam ajaanamtoo mamaavyayam anuttamam
VIG 25
naaham prakaas`a: sarvasya yoogamaayaasamaavruta:
muud`hoo ayam naabhijaanaati lookoo maam ajam avyayam
VIG 26
veedaaham samatiitaani vartamaanaani ca arjuna
bhavishyaan`i ca bhuutaani maam tu veeda na kas` ca na
VIG 27
ichchhaadveeshasamuttheena dvamdvamooheena bhaarata
sarvabhuutaani sammooham sargee yaamti paramtapa
VIG 28
yeeshaam tv amtagatam paapam janaanaam pun`yakarman`aam
tee dvamdvamoohanirmuktaa bhajamtee maam drud`havrataa:
VIG 29
jaraamaran`amookshaaya maam aas`ritya yatamti yee
tee brahma tad vidu: krutsnam adhyaatmam karma ca akhilam
VIG 30
sa adhibhuuta adhidaivam maam saadhi yagnam ca yee vidu:
prayaan`a kaalee api ca maam tee vidur yukta cheetasa:
arjuna uvaacha
Arjuna said:
This magic spell of mine which is divine and full of supreme qualities cannot be overcome. However, those who take refuge in me can cross this difficult spell. (SUPER AWARENESS 14).
Those humans who are knave, fools, lowest of the humans, those having a knowledge deprieved by delusion, those who have a demoniacal nature, do not take shelter in me. (SUPER AWARENESS 15).
Four types of people carrying good deeds from their previous births, serve and worship me. 1. Desperate devotees in a miserable state 2. Seekers of Knowledge of Supreme Spirit 3. Seekers of wealth and luxuries; 4. Devotees who already have an awareness of my Nature. (SUPER AWARENESS 16).
Among the four, the Knowledgeable Devotee who is in Union with me (UP-UMP) and the philosophical person is very dear to me. Because I am dearer to him, he is dearer to me. (SUPER AWARENESS 17).
All the four types are great, but the Knowledgeable Devotee is a form in harmony with me. This is my will. This is because, the person will have his mind focused to me and take refuge in me as the best resort. (SUPER AWARENESS 18).
After several births, a person who becomes knowledgeable and is aware that the entire Universe is full of Vaasudeeva (Me) takes refuge in me. Such great souls are difficult to get. (SUPER AWARENESS 19).
Those persons whose knowledge is overtaken by desires, worship other Gods following the rules applicable for praying such Gods who are accessible to such persons by their very nature. (SUPER AWARENESS 20).
Whomsoever God such person prefers to worship, such God is only an attribute of me. Hence as I am presresent in them also, I generate faith and interest in such person to worship the Gods of their choice. (SUPER AWARENESS 21).
That person sincerely worshiping such Gods, gets his desires fulfilled by such God, as appropriately decided by me. (SUPER AWARENESS 22). (Comment: Krishna claims to be the ultimate bestower of boons, even if people worship other Gods. )
At the end, the results the worshippers of other Gods get are not everlasting. Worshippers of sundry Gods are getting Sundry Gods only. My worshippers attain Me. (SUPER AWARENESS 23). (Comment: Krishna is speaking like an ordinary shop-keeper who claims that the goods sold by him are of superior and durable quality when compared to those offered by other sellers.
Though I am the greatest, supreme, infinite and indestructible, and super-natural person, ignorant and unwise persons cannot understand my grandeur and view me only as a person bearing the mundane mortal human bodies. (SUPER AWARENESS 24).
As I hide myself in a mask of "Spell of Union", this foolish and ignorant humanity cannot recognise me who has no birth and death. (SUPER AWARENESS 25).
I know the past, present and future Creatures. But Nobody else can recognise me. (SUPER AWARENESS 26).
In this Nature (Universe) all the Creatures get tempted by dualities of likes and dislikes, joys and sorrows. (SUPER AWARENESS 27).
The sins of the people who perform pieties get destroyed. They will be freed from the dualities (likes and dislikes, joys and sorrows). They will be serving me with determination. (SUPER AWARENESS 29).
Those who identify me with the Supreme Creature, Supreme God, Supreme Sacrifice place their mind settled in me. Even at the time of death, they realise me. At any stage, they do not get deluded. (SUPER AWARENESS 30).
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