Sunday, July 29, 2007




Arjuna uvaacha
sanyaasam karman`aam krushn`a punar yoogam ca s`amsasi
yach chhreeya eetayoor eekam tan mee bruuhi sunis`chitam
KSY 02s`riibhagavaan uvaacha
sanyaasa: karmayoogas` ca ni:s`reeyasakaraav ubhau
tayoos tu karma sanyaasaat karma yoogoo vis`ishyatee
KSY 003
gneeya: sa nitya sanyaasii yoo na dveesht`i na kaamkshati
nir dvamdvoo hi mahaa baahoo sukham bandhaat pramuchyatee
KSY 004
saamkhya yoogau pruthag baalaa: pravadamti na pamd`itaa:
eekam api aasthita: samyag ubhayoor vindatee phalam
KSY 005
yat saamkhya i: praapyatee sthaanam tad yoogair api gamyatee
eekam saamkhya m ca yoogam ca ya: pas`yati sa pas`yati
KSY 006
sanyaasas tu mahaa baahoo du:kham aaptum ayoogata:
yooga yuktoo munir brahma na chireen`a adhigachchhati
KSY 007
yooga yuktoo vis`uddhaatmaa vijitaatmaa jiteendriya:
sarvabhuuta atma bhuuta aatmaa kurvann api na lipyatee
KSY 008
naiva kim chit karoomi iti yuktoo manyeeta tatvavit
pas`yam s`run`van sprus`am jighrann as`nan gachchhan svapam s`vasan
KSY 009
pralapan visrujan gruhn`ann unmishan nimishann api
indriyaan`I indriya artheeshu vartamta iti dhaarayan
KSY 10
brahman`i aadhaaya karmaan`i samgam tyaktvaa karooti ya:
lipyatee na sa paapeena padmapatram iva ambhasaa

Arjuna said: 'First, you have explained me the 'Relinquishment of Action'. Later, you have explained the 'Action'. Pl. tell me clearly which is more beneficial?' (KS 1)
Krishna said: Both 'RESULT RELINQUISHING ACTION' and 'TOTAL RELINQUISHMENT' are equally beneficial. But between the two 'Self less Action' is better than 'Relinquishment of Action'. (KS 2)
Know that 'Who neither craves nor abhores, is the TRUE RELINQUISHER. He is free from te duality of love and hate. He gets freed from the bondage of mundane family attachments. (KS 3).
Ignorant treat 'Result Relinquishing Action' and 'Relinquishment' as separate. Not the scholars. If a person practises, at least one mental State effectively, he will get the fruits of both -- deliverance. (KS 4)
Whatever State an Action relinquisher reaches, the Result Relinquishing Doer also reaches.(KSY 5)
'Result Relinquishing Action' and the 'Total Relinquishment' have same effects. One who can appreciate this is a true visionary.(KS 6)

KSY 011
kaayeena manasaa buddhyaa keevalair indriyair api
yoogina: karma kurvamti samgam tyaktva atmas`uddhayee
KSY 012
yukta: karmaphalam tyaktvaa s`aamtim aapnooti naisht`hikiim
ayukta: kaamakaareen`a phalee saktoo nibadhyatee
KSY 013
sarvakarmaan`i manasaa sanyasyaastee sukham vas`ii
navadvaaree puree deehii naiva kurvan na kaarayan
KSY 014
na kartrutvam na karmaan`i lookasya srujati prabhu:
na karma phala samyoogam svabhaavas tu pravartatee
KSY 015
naadattee kasya chit paapam na ca iva sukrutam vibhu:
agnaaneenaavrutam gnaanam teena muhyamti jamtava:
KSY 016
gnaaneena tu tad agnaanam yeeshaam naas`itam aatmana:
teeshaam aadityavaj gnaanam prakaas`ayati tatparam
KSY 017
tadbuddhayas tadaatmaanas tannisht`haas tatparaayan`aa:
gachchhamti apunaraavruttim gnaananirdhuutakalmashaa:
KSY 018
vidyaavinayasampannee braahman`ee gavi hastini
s`uni ca iva s`vapaakee ca pamd`itaa: samadars`ina:
KSY 019
ihaiva tair jita: sargoo yeeshaam saamyee sthitam mana:
nirdoosham hi samam brahma tasmaad brahman`i tee sthitaa:
KSY 020
na prahrushyeet priyam praapya noodvijeet praapya ca apriyam
sthirabuddhir asammuud`hoo brahmavid brahman`i sthita:
KSY 021
baahyaspars`eeshv asaktaatmaa vindati aatmani yat sukham
sa brahmayoogayuktaatmaa sukham akshayam as`nutee
KSY 022
yee hi samspars`ajaa bhoogaa du:khayoonaya eeva tee
aadyamtavamta: kaumteeya na teeshu ramatee budha:
KSY 023
s`aknootiihaiva ya: sood`hum praak s`ariiravimookshan`aat
kaamakroodhoodbhavam veegam sa yukta: sa sukhii nara:
KSY 024
yoo amta:sukhoo amtaraaraamas tathaamtarjyootir eeva ya:
sa yoogii brahmanirvaan`am brahmabhuutoo adhigachchhati
KSY 025
labhamtee brahmanirvaan`am rushaya: kshiin`akalmashaa:
chhinna dvaidhaa yataatmaana: sarvabhuutahitee rataa:
KSY 026
kaama kroodhaviyuktaanaam yatiinaam yatacheetasaam
abhitoo brahmanirvaan`am vartatee viditaatmanaam
KSY 027
spars`aan krutvaa bahir baahyaams` ca kshus` ca ivaamtaree bhruvoo:
praan`aapaanau samau krutvaa naasaabhyamtarachaarin`au
KSY 028
yat indriya manoo buddhir munir mooksha paraayan`a:
vigateechchha abhaya kroodhoo ya: sadaa mukta eeva sa:
KSY 29
bhooktaaram yagna tapasaam sarva looka mahees`varam
suhrudam sarva bhuuta aanaam gnaatvaa maam s`aamtim ruchchhati

s`riibhagavaan uvaacha

The sages do Actions for cleansing their Intellect. They act without any interest in results. They act with their body, mind, intellect and uninterested senses. (RRA 11).
There are two types of persons. 1. Sincere persons performing result-relinquished-actions, having sacrificed the results, attain peace of mind. 2. Insincere persons performing result-oriented-actions are bound by their own actions. (RRA 12).
The living soul which conqured the senses of the body of nine doors (holes), by relinquishing result oriented actions will be happy. Neither they themselves make their 9 hole body to perform such actions or make others perform on their behalf. (RRA 13).
The Almighty is not creating the actions, their doers and their interest in the actions. The nature of the creatures itself i.e. ignorance is playing on the creatures. (RRA 14).
The Almighty does not take the virtues and sins of anybody. Creatures get tempted by the birth of knowledge of form (my body, your body, his body, this, that etc.) owing to ignorance. Because of love of its own body, the animals (including human) believe that they themselves are the doer. (RRA 15).
This body oriented sensation must get destroyed by the knowledge of God. The knowledge of such persons glows brilliantly like the Sun and lights up the philosophical essence of the Almighty. (RRA 16).
Those who concentrate their intellect on the Supreme Spirit (Almighty God ), whose souls are filled with the Supreme Spirit, those who are dedicated to the SS, those who are devoted exponents of the SS, they shall have no rebirth. Their sins will be cleansed with Knowledge. (RRA 17).
Such scholars will be equanimous to a well educated and modest Brahmin, cow, elephant, dog, outcaste. (RRA 18).
Whose mind balanced with the equanimity, defeats this mundane world. This is because, the Supreme Spirit is emotion free and equanimous. Hence the balanced persons harmonize themselves with the Supreme Spirit. (RRA 19).
The equanimous person united with the Supreme Spirit, man of stead wisdom, conquerer of temptation will not feel happy when he gets things dearer and does not get depressed when things not dear happen. (RRA 20).
The person United with the Supreme Spirit does not have any interest in things which provide external touch. He enjoys supreme bliss which abides in his soul. Having his soul united with the SS, he enjoys endless joy. (RRA 21).
The amusements, enjoyments, miseries and sorrows generated by senses, (particularly external touch) have a beginning and an end. Hence wise scholars do not relish them. (RRA 22).
A person who before this body degenerates and in this birth itself resists and conquersthe intensity and speed of the lust and anger . Such person along becomes a sage. (RRA 23).
That person who rejoices within himself, who plays and rests within himself, who sees within himself, is the real sage who attains union with the Supreme Spirit. (RRA 24).
The sages get the union when their sins are cleansed, their soul are free from the duality of "My and not mine", and they become interested in the welfare of all the livings. (RRA 25).
The get a quick union with the SS, when they become free from anger and lust; their active mind is fully regulated. (RRA 26).
Having removed the external sensations of touch from the mind, concentrated the vision from eyes on the spot between the two eye brows, equalising the living wind (lungs) and the downward wind (bowels) at the navel, will be relieved from the cycle of births and deaths, during the lifetime itself. (RRA 27).
Who has conquered the desire, fear and anger, is strongly interested in deliverance, has regulated senses, mind and intellect. (RRA 28).
The man who recognises that I am the receiver of all sacrificial offerings, as the Lord of all Heavens, and the well wisher of all creatures will attain peace and deliverance. (RRA 29).

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