Sunday, July 29, 2007





GY 01
imam vivasvatee yoogam prooktavaan aham avyayam
vivasvaan manavee praaha manur ikshvaakavee abraviit
GY 2
eevam paramparaapraaptam imam raajarshayoo vidu:
sa kaaleeneeha mahataa yoogoo nasht`a: paramtapa
GY 03
sa eevaayam mayaa tee adya yooga: prookta: puraatana:
bhaktoo asi mee sakhaa cheeti rahasyam hi eetad uttamam
GY 04arjuna uvaacha
aparam bhavatoo janma param janma vivasvata:
katham eetad vijaaniiyaam tvam aadau prooktavaan iti
GY 05s`riibhagavaan uvaacha
bahuuni mee vyatiitaani janmaani tava ca arjuna
taani aham veeda sarvaan`i na tvam veettha paramtapa
GY 06
ajoo api sann avyayaatmaa bhuutaanaam iis`varoo api san
prakrutim svaam adhisht`haaya sambhavaami aatmamaayayaa
GY 07
yadaa yadaa hi dharmasya glaanir bhavati bhaarata
abhyutthaanam adharmasya tadaatmaanam srujaami aham
GY 08
paritraan`aaya saadhuunaam vinaas`aaya ca dushkrutaam
dharmasamsthaapanaarthaaya sambhavaami yugee yugee
GY 09
janma karma ca mee divyam eevam yoo veetti tatvata:
tyaktvaa deeham punarjanma naiti maam eeti soo arjuna
viitaraagabhayakroodhaa manmayaa maam upaas`ritaa:
bahavoo gnaanatapasaa puutaa madbhaavam aagataa:

Krishna said: I taught this infinite PATH OF KNOWLEDGE (POK) to the Sun. The Sun taught it to Manu. Manu taught it to Ikshvaku. (POK 1)
The POK was passed on from generation to generation and many ascetic kings (kings matured into sages) benefited. With afflux of time, it melted away. (POK 2)
You are my devotee and bossom friend. Hence I am teaching you this POK to you, though it is ancient and secret. (POK 3)
Arjuna said: The Sun was born prior to you. I am unable to appreciate, how it is possible for you to teach the POK to the Sun? (POK 4)
Krishna said: You and I have passed through several rebirths. I know them all. But you do not know. (POK 5)
I am birthless. I am infinite. I am the Lord of all Creatures. Yet, I accept a potent-but-tolerant (Satvic) nature and by my own power of delusion (deluding others), I descend to the Earth. (POK 6)

Whenever there is threat to righteousness and falsehood rises its head, I create myself. (POK 7).
To rescue the gentle and pious and destroy the evil doers and to restore the righteousness, I appear in all Ages. (POK 8).
The one who understands me correctly, philosophically, will not have a rebirth after shedding the body. He attains me. (POK 9).
Many of those who shed temptation, fear, anger, fill their hearts with thoughts of me, take shelter in me, purify themselves with awareness and penance. They attain me. (POK 10).

GY 11
yee yathaa maam prapadyamtee taams tathaiva bhajaami aham
mama vartmaanuvartamtee manushyaa: paartha sarvas`a:
GY 12
kaamkshamta: karman`aam siddhim yajamta iha deevataa:
kshipram hi maanushee lookee siddhir bhavati karmajaa
GY 13
caaturvarn`yam mayaa srusht`am gun`akarmavibhaagas`a:
tasya kartaaram api maam viddhi akartaaram avyayam
GY 14
na maam karmaan`i limpamti na mee karmaphalee spruhaa
iti maam yoo abhijaanaati karmabhir na sa badhyatee
GY 15
eevam gnaatvaa krutam karma puurvair api mumukshubhi:
kuru karmaiva tasmaat tvam puurvai: puurvataram krutam
GY 16
kim karma kim akarmeeti kavayoo api atra moohitaa:
tat tee karma pravakshyaami yaj gnaatvaa mookshyasee as`ubhaat
GY 17
karman`oo hi api booddhavyam booddhavyam ca vikarman`a:
akarman`as` ca booddhavyam gahanaa karman`oo gati:
GY 18
karman`i akarma ya: pas`yeed akarman`i ca karma ya:
sa buddhimaan manushyeeshu sa yukta: krutsnakarmakrut
GY 19
yasya sarvee samaarambhaa: kaamasamkalpavarjitaa:
gnaanaagnidagdhakarmaan`am tam aahu: pamd`itam budhaa:
GY 20
tyaktvaa karmaphalaasamgam nityatruptoo niraas`raya:
karman`i abhipravruttoo api naiva kim chit karooti sa:

Oh Arjuna! I shower my benevolence in proportion to the dedication the devotees show towards me and serve me. Humans act in the same manner as I act. (POK 11)
Result conscious devotees worship mundane Gods. They get quick results on Earth itself. (POK 12)
The four caste system has been created by me. The classification of the four castes is in accordance with the qualities and actions. Though I created the castes, I am not the 'Doer'. I am infinite. (POK 13)

Krishna said: Actions do not touch me. I have no interest in the result of actions. Those who understand me in this manner will also not be bound by their actions. (POK 14)
The deliverance seekers of the past having understood this unbindability by Actions did their Actions in a spirit of detachment. Hence, you can also emulate them and perform all actions unbound. (POK 15).

What is action? What is Relinquishment? even scholars err in distinguishing between the two. I shall teach you that 'Action' by knowing which you can deliver yourelf from the inauspicious and troublesome bonds of family. (POK 16)
There is a need to know the differences among Action, Relinquishment, Result Relinquished Action. (POK 17)
A person who can trace 'Relinquishment' in 'Action' and, 'Action' in 'Relinquishment' (vice versa) is the fittest and the wisest of humans. He becomes the practitioner of all types of Actions. (POK 18)
The one whose Actions are vacuous being free of desire and intent, is regarded as the scholar whose actions have been incinerated by the fire of Awareness. (POK 19)
The one who having abandoned the fruits of his Action, who is detached, who is ever content, who is homeless, in spite of performing all the actions, does really nothing. (As good as not performing). (POK 20)

GY 21
niraas`iir yatachittaatmaa tyaktasarvaparigraha:
s`aariiram keevalam karma kurvan naapnooti kilbisham
GY 22
yadruchchhaalaabhasamtusht`oo dvamdvaatiitoo vimatsara:
sama: siddhaav asiddhau ca krutvaapi na nibadhyatee
GY 23
gatasamgasya muktasya gnaanaavat sthita cheetasa:
yagnaayaa charata: karma samagram praviliiyatee
GY 24
brahma arpan`am brahma havir brahma agnau brahman`aa hutam
brahmaiva teena gamtavyam brahma karma samaadhinaa
GY 25
daivam eeva aparee yagnam yoogina: paryupaasatee
brahmaagnaav aparee yagnam yagneenaivoopajuhvati
GY 26
s`rootraadiiniindriyaan`i anyee samyamaagnishu juhvati
s`abdaadiin vishayaan anya indriyaagnishu juhvati
GY 27
sarvaan`iindriyakarmaan`i praan`akarmaan`i ca aparee
aatmasamyamayoogaagnau juhvati gnaanadiipitee
GY 28
dravyayagnaas tapooyagnaa yoogayagnaas tathaaparee
svaadhyaayagnaanayagnaas` ca yataya: sams`itavrataa:
apaanee juhvati praan`am praan`ee apaanam tathaaparee
praan`aapaanagatii ruddhvaa praan`aayaamaparaayan`aa:
GY 30
aparee niyataahaaraa: praan`aan praan`eeshu juhvati
sarvee api eetee yagnavidoo yagnakshapitakalmashaa:
GY 31
yagnas`isht`aamrutabhujoo yaamti brahma sanaatanam
naayam lookoo asti ayagnasya kutoo anya: kurusattama
GY 32
eevam bahuvidhaa yagnaa vitataa brahman`oo mukhee
karmajaan viddhi taan sarvaan eevam gnaatvaa vimookshyasee
GY 33
s`reeyaan dravyamayaad yagnaaj gnaanayagna: paramtapa
sarvam karmaakhilam paartha gnaanee parisamaapyatee
GY 34
tad viddhi pran`ipaateena paripras`neena seevayaa
upadeekshyamti tee gnaanam gnaaninas tatvadars`ina:
GY 35
yaj gnaatvaa na punar mooham eevam yaasyasi paamd`ava
yeena bhuutaani as`eesheen`a drakshyasi aatmani athoo maii
GY 36
api cheed asi paapeebhya: sarveebhya: paapakruttama:
sarvam gnaanaplaveenaiva vrujinam samtarishyasi
GY 37
yathaidhaamsi samiddhoo agnir bhasmasaat kurutee arjuna
gnaanaagni: sarvakarmaan`i bhasmasaat kurutee tathaa
GY 38
na hi gnaaneena sadrus`am pavitram iha vidyatee
tat svayam yoogasamsiddha: kaaleenaatmani vindati
GY 39
s`raddhaavaa&l labhatee gnaanam tatpara: samyateendriya:
gnaanam labdhvaa paraam s`aamtim achireen`aadhigachchhati
GY 40
agnas` ca as`raddadhaanas` ca sams`ayaatmaa vinas`yati
naayam lookoo asti na paroo na sukham sams`ayaatmana:
GY 41
aatmavamtam na karmaan`i
nibadhnamti dhanamjaya
GY 42
tasmaad agnaanasambhuutam hrutstham gnaanaasinaatmana:
chhittvainam sams`ayam yoogam aatisht`hoottisht`ha bhaarata

A person without desires, who controlled his senses, does not accept any type of things, using the body only for performing actions, does not get sin. (POK 21).
A person who is contented with whatever is received by his efforts but without being begged and craved for, who is free from the duality of heat and cold, who is free from enemy, equanimous both to accomplishment and failure, is not bound by his actions. (POK 22).
Actions of a detached person, discharged person, person whose intellect is bright with knowlege, person who performs actions for sacrificial worship -- will be null for the purpose of binding him. (POK 23).
Everything is a form of the Supreme Spirit --- the pieces of wood used in the sacrifice, the clarified butter and other food sent through the sacrificial fire, the fire, and the whole rite is the Supreme Spirit. The satisfaction which the person with complete concentration receives from the sacrifice is also the Supreme Spirit. (POK 24).
Some of Sages perform the Divine Sacrifices with great effectiveness. Some other sages of "Knowledge", using the Sacrifice as a tool burn the Action-in-the-form-of-Sacrifice (Sacrifice is also a form of Action) in the fire of the Sacrifice. (POK 25).
Self control is a fire. In that fire, the controlled persons burn their senses of hearing. For some others, the Senses are the fire. In that fire, they offer as sacrifice the "sounds". (POK 26).
Some sages sacrifice all their Actions from their Senses, Actions of respiration in the the fire of Self Control (POK 27).
The sacrifices are of different types. Sacrifices using physical materials, Sacrifices of austerities and penance, Sacrifice of Union aimed at the Supreme Spirit, Sacrifice of Learning the Scriptures (Vedas) and another Sacrifice of Understanding the Scriptures -- all these are performed by staunch dedicated ascetics. (POK 28).
Those who are well versed in Breath-regulation sacrifice the "life wind" to the "downward wind" (They combine both the winds). When they release wind, they sacrifice the downward wind in the life wind. While filling and restraining the breath, they become masters in the Breath regulation. Some of them when they control the food, sacrifice the life wind in the life itself. (POK 29).
All these experts of Sacrifices have their sins cleansed by the sacrifices. They eat the residues of the sacrificial offerings which is like heavenly nectar and attain the Eternal Supreme Spirit. (POK 30).
A person devoid of sacrifices, cannot get this Earth itself. Where is the question of his getting the Heavens? (POK 31).
The Vedas which have emerged from the mouth of the Supreme Spirit, have described different types of sacrifices. Know that all these are born from Actions. If you realise the link between the sacrifices and the Actions, you will be freed from the bonds of Actions and their results. (POK 32).
The Knowledge using sacrifice (using knowledge as a tool) is better than a Material using sacrifice. Because, the Actions and their results end in the Awareness (Knowledge). (POK 33).
Wise and knowledgeable men impart such awareness. Approach them, bow and kneel before them, enquire from them in depth, serve them and acquire the knowledge. (POK 34).
By receiving which knowledge, you will not again be caught in this type of temptation, using that knowledge you can see all the creatures in your living soul and thereafter in me who is the Supreme Spirit. (POK 35).
You may be the worest the sinner among sinners. Boarding the ship of "Knowledge" you can cross the Ocean of Sin easily. (POK 36).
Arjuna! Just as the fire engulfs and captures the pieces of wood in the sacrifice, the fire of Knowledge will engulf and capture the masses of Actions. (POK 37).
There is no education/skill/art which is as sacred as the Knowledge. A person of "Relinquished-Result-Actions" will gradually attain the Knowlege in his own heart. (POK 38).
A person who is dedicated, sincere, who has well regulated his senses gets knowledge. Soon after getting the Knowlege, he acquires the ultimate Peace. (POK 39).
A person who is ignorant, insincere and a doubter perishes. He neither gets happiness in this world nor ihe other world. (POK 40).
A person who relinquishes his Actions by adopting the "Relinquish-Results of Actions" method, who has his doubts completely collapsed by Knowlege, who understood the true form of the "Supreme Spirit" is not bound by his Actions. (POK 41).
Hence, using the Sword of Knowledge, break into splinters your evil spirit of "Doubts". Arise! Arise! (POK 42).

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