Saturday, May 05, 2007


Divine, Satanic classification of humans


abhayam sattvasams`uddhir gnaanayoogavyavasthiti:
daanam damas` ca yagnas` ca svaadhyaayas tapa aarjavam


ahimsaa satyam akroodhas tyaaga: s`aamtir apais`unam
dayaa bhuuteeshv alooluptvam maardavam hriir achaapalam


teeja: kshamaa dhruti: s`aucham adroohoo naatimaanitaa
bhavamti sampadam daiviim abhijaatasya bhaarata

From DDD 1 to DDD 3, Krishna describes the characteristics of the wealth of Divinity. DDD 4 to DDD 24 is the description of the Devil.
The Lord said:
Fearlessness, Strength, Intellectual purity, settled serious interest in the Path of Knowledge, Charity, Self Control (of external senses), Sacrifice (in the meaning of worship tool), Studies through self effort, Modesty and simplicity (DDD 1)
Non-violence, Truth, Unirritability, Sacrifice (in the meaning of foregoing), Peace, Absence of stinginess, abandoning abuse of others, compassion on all Creatures, absence of voetousness, softness, sense of shame, absence of fickleness (DDD 2)
Brilliance, Tolerance and Endurance, Courage, Cleanliness and hygiene, Absence of enemity, Absence of ego and pride, --- these are all the acquisitions of a person who is entitled to be divine. (DDD 3).


dambhoo darpoo atimaanas` ca kroodha: paarushyam eeva ca
agnaanam ca abhijaatasya paartha sampadam aasuriim


daivii sampad vimookshaaya nibandhaayaasurii mataa
maa s`ucha: sampadam daiviim abhijaatoo asi paamd`ava


dvau bhuutasargau lookee asmin daiva aasura eeva ca
daivoo vistaras`a: prookta aasuram paartha mee s`run`u


pravruttim ca nivruttim ca janaa na vidur aasuraa:
na s`aucham naapi ca achaaroo na satyam teeshu vidyatee


asatyam apratisht`ham tee jagad aahur aniis`varam
aparasparasambhuutam kim anyat kaamahaitukam


eetaam drusht`im avasht`abhya nasht`aatmaanoo alpabuddhaya:
prabhavamti ugrakarmaan`a: kshayaaya jagatoo ahitaa:


kaamam aas`ritya dushpuuram dambhamaanamadaanvitaa:
moohaad gruhiitvaasadgraahaan pravartamtee as`uchivrataa:


chimtaam aparimeeyaam ca pralayaamtaam upaas`ritaa:
kaamoopabhoogaparamaa eetaavad iti nis`chitaa:


aas`aapaas`as`atair baddhaa: kaamakroodhaparaayan`aa:
iihamtee kaamabhoogaartham anyaayeenaarthasamchayaan


idam adya mayaa labdham idam praapsyee manooratham
idam astiidam api mee bhavishyati punar dhanam


asau mayaa hata: s`atrur hanishyee ca aparaan api
iis`varoo aham aham bhoogii siddhoo aham balavaan sukhii


aad`hyoo abhijanavaan asmi koo anyoo asti sadrus`oo mayaa
yakshyee daasyaami moodishya iti agnaanavimoohitaa:


aneekachittavibhraamtaa moohajaalasamaavrutaa:
prasaktaa: kaamabhoogeeshu patamti narakee as`uchau


aatmasambhaavitaa: stabdhaa dhanamaanamadaanvitaa:
yajamtee naamayagnais tee dambheenaavidhipuurvakam


ahamkaaram balam darpam kaamam kroodham ca sams`ritaa:
maam aatmaparadeeheeshu pradvishamtoo abhyasuuyakaa:


taan aham dvishata: kruuraan samsaareeshu naraadhamaan
kshipaami ajasram as`ubhaan aasuriishv eeva yoonishu


aasuriim yoonim aapannaa muud`haa janmani janmani
maam apraapyaiva kaumteeya tatoo yaamti adhamaam gatim


trividham narakasyeedam dvaaram naas`anam aatmana:
kaama: kroodhas tathaa loobhas tasmaad eetat trayam tyajeet


eetair vimukta: kaumteeya tamoodvaarais tribhir nara:
aacharati aatmana: s`reeyas tatoo yaati paraam gatim


ya: s`aastravidhim utsrujya vartatee kaama kaarata:
na sa siddhim avaapnooti na sukham na paraam gatim


tasmaach chhaastram pramaan`am tee kaarya akaarya vyavasthitau
gnaatvaa s`aastravidhaanooktam karma kartum ihaarhasi

arjuna uvaacha

Hypocrasy, Flamboyance, Conceit and Pride, Anger, Rudeness, Ignorance are all the acquisitions of a person who is fit to be a demon. (DDD 4).
The wealth of divinity promotes deliverance. The demoniacal possessions lead to attachment. Oh Arjuna! You are born with divine possessions. Hence do not grieve. (DDD 5).
In this world two types of creations have taken place. The Divine. The demoniacal. I have already explained in detail the divine possessions. Now I shall explain the demoniacal possessions. Oh Paartha! Listen! (DDD 6)..
The demons do not know the traits of Action or Inaction. They do not know cleanliness, tradition or the the truth. (DDD 7).
The demoniacs say describe this world as false, shelterless, atheistic, evolutionary (generated on its own). They say that there are no other causes, and that it has an origin of lust and desire. (DDD 8).
Having thiese perspectives and theories as base, the demoniacs who are devoid of the knowledge of the soul, knaves, barbarians, malicious and malivolent persons, are born in this world to destroy it. (DDD 9).
The demoniacs have insatiable lust. They are full of hypocrasy, conceit and pride. Because of temptation, they will be worshipping sundry Devillish Gods and performing unclean rituals. (DDD 10).
Till their death, they suffer boundless misery. They determine that sensual enjoyment is the chief goal of life. (DDD 11).
Hundred lassos of greed bind them. They are enamoured with lust and anger. For enjoying the sensual pleasures , they will be commiting unjust acts and accumulating wealth and possessions. (DDD 12).
Today I have got this. I shall fulfil this desire. I have this. I shall get more money again. (DDD 13).
I killed this enemy. I can still kill others. I am the God. I am the enjoyer. I am the Achiever and Fulfilled. I am the Strong person. I am the happiest. (DDD 14).
I am rich. I am respectable. Who is there equal to me? I can give charity. I can enjoy and please myself. Thus the demoniacs are tempted in ignorance. (DDD 15).
These demoniacs are with deluded minds. Surrounded by lots of temptations. Engaged in lustful enjoyments. They will ultimately be condemned into the dirty hells. (DDD 16).
The demoniacs praise themselves. They lack humility and obedience. They are proud of wealth, honor and conceit. Full of hypocrasy, they are performing sacrificices which are namesake and not as prescribed by the scriptures. (DDD 17).
Having sheltered Ego, brutal force, flamboyance, lust, anger, they are blaming me residing in the righteous persons and abusing them out of envy. (DDD 18).
I am placing all such demoniacs who are venomous, cruel, the worest humans in this mundanus, eternally in a series of inauspicious and demoniacal wombs. (DDD 19).
Oh Son of Kumti! In every rebirth, they will be born in devillish wombs and those ignoramuses without attaining me, fall to further depths. (DDD 20).
There are three door to hell. 1. Lust 2. Anger 3. Covetousness. These are destructive of the person in whom they reside. Hence, all these three are to be shed. (DDD 21).
A person who is delivered of these three gates of darkness, will do good to himself and by that attains the Supreme State. (DDD 22).
He who violates the prescriptions of the scriptures and behaves as per the dictates of lust, he does ot get the fulfilment or happiness or the Supreme State. (DDD 24).
For you the parameter and the standard are the scriptures in determining both what is to be done and not to be done. Having known the methods prescribed by the scriptures, you will be qualified to perform Actions. (DDD 24).


Rain-drop said...


You commented on my blog a while back and I just wanted to see what sort of things you are blogging on. I didn't realize you have so many blogs.

I find the idea of a Bhagavad-Gita blog to very interesting.

In one of your comments on my blogs, you said:

About daily Bhajans
Kindly excuse me for my outspokenness. The principal paths in Indian philosophy:
1. Ritual path (Old Karma yoga): emphasis on sacrifices (yagnas). The earliest ones had human sacrifices, horse sacrifices, cow sacrifices, birds etc. Now a days, these are vegetarian using flour. Today's yagnas claim world peace, rains, well being as goals, collecting money.

2. New Karma marga (Gandhi, Tilak, numerous great men followed): Doing one's own duty, without expecting results. Their perseverence, relatively infallible personalities, courage of convictions, environment, so many other factors helped them in achieving their goals. We cannot attribute much of their success to Gita's advice.

3. Bhagavad Gita Karma marga: Here the action meant, one's duty as stipulated by the birth caste. Example a fourth caste born person should work as a servant and slave of the three upper castes. Gita misled people. Even in Mahabhagavatam, your gentle and kind Krishna, wants low 4th caste people to weave baskets and mats when they cannot find a master to serve. I think this was not added by me in blog when you visited. Now you can see it.

4. Knowledge Path (Gnaana Marg): Here goal is self-realisation. Distinguishing between what is illusion and true, what is eternal and ephemeral. This is a good path. But end result need not be really fruitful. Even after getting all the knowledge, a person may fall in a pit of illusion.

5. Bhagavadgita knowledge path: This wants the seeker to surrender himself at the Lotus feet of lord, and it is nothing but servility.

6. Bhakti marga (Path of devotion): It is like a lowly paid employee currying favour with the boss to get a pay rise or promotion. What type of God is he who will favour his devotees and ignore or maladminister who does not fall at his feet! Path of Devotion is comparable to Christianity. Those praying Jesus being entitled to the Kingdom of God and others not being entitled. Bible and HIndu Devotion scriptures have many common things. The path devotion became popular in India after Hindus were unable to fight Islamic invaders and European colonizers. The helpless Hindus wanted security in exchange for prayer and surrender. Some say that Perfect devotion purifies 'chitta (intellectual mind)' and paves the way for knowledge. Clean intellect can be obtained by reading great masters of literature and history of all the continents. No need of Indian wisdom.
*end quote

So I just wanted to respond to what you have said.

I am part of the Hare Krishna movement, and our scripture includes the Bhagavatam, the Bhagavad-Gita, and Mahabharata, and other texts. Your comments were very interesting. When I refer to bhajans, I am thinking about singing songs to Krishna and his various incarnations - Lord Caitanya, Nrsimhadeva, Rama, His consort Radharani, etc. Perhaps this is a more specific thing than the categories you named, or a totally different thing, I am not sure if you would consider daily songs to be in one of your categories.

Hare Krishna devotees strive to rekindle in their own hearts love for Krishna, whom we consider to be our supreme deity, and so the goal in our bhajans is to water the flower of any bit of love or attention we have towards Krishna. We are trying to please Krishna in singing songs to Him, and the goal is not world peace, wealth, etc. Your comment was still very interesting, though.

What you said about knowledge path, (I would spell it jnana-margh, as I see it in the verses of Bhagavad-Gita and Upadesamrta) did catch my interest. Self-realization is also a goal of the Hare Krishna devotees, because we are trying to realize that we are not this material body, we are a spirit soul, a jiva, and we belong back in the spiritual world with Krishna. Bhakti is pure love, and this is the ultimate goal, of course - love for Krishna, and so we follow in the footsteps and hear instructions from gurus who have attained bhakti and have devotion for Krishna.

As for seeing fault in Krishna...That is something I personally do not condone or appreciate. I think that to presume we can understand Krishna, and to put material societal rules on Him as if He were one of us, is silly, and we should not go about presuming things about Him; we should ask questions of him, try to know of him, by reading scriptures under the guidance of a bonafide spiritual master. That is what I think.

For a detailed description of Krishna's personality and relationships and greatness, I would recommend the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, or "Nectar of Devotion" by the spiritual scholar Rupa Goswami.

I would also recommend the Upadesamrta, or "Nectar of Instruction," also by Rupa Goswami.
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Physics said...

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