Friday, April 13, 2007


Deliverance and Renunciation SANSKRIT

MSY 01
Arjuna uvaacha:
sanyaasasya mahaa baahoo tatvam ichchhaami veeditum
tyaagasya ca hrushiikees`a pruthak kees`inishuudana

Arjuna said: Oh Hrishikees`a! Oh Mahaa Bahoo! Oh Slayer of Kes`i (A demon)! I desire to hear from you the philosophical nature of relinquishment and renunciation. (DELIVERANCE 1).

s`riibhagavaan uvaacha

kaamyaanaam karman`aam nyaasam sanyaasam kavayoo vidu:
sarvakarmaphalatyaagam praahus tyaagam vichakshan`aa:

tyaajyam dooshavad iti eekee karma praahur maniishin`a:
yagnadaanatapa:karma na tyaajyam iti ca aparee

MSY 04
nis`chayam s`run`u mee tatra tyaagee bharatasattama
tyaagoo hi purushavyaaghra trividha: samprakiirtita:

MSY 05
yagnadaanatapa:karma na tyaajyam kaaryam eeva tat
yagnoo daanam tapas` ca iva paavanaani maniishin`aam

MSY 06
eetaani api tu karmaan`i samgam tyaktvaa phalaani ca
kartavyaaniiti mee paartha nis`chitam matam uttamam

MSY 07
niyatasya tu sanyaasa: karman`oo noopapadyatee
moohaat tasya parityaagas taamasa: parikiirtita:

MSY 08
du:kham iti eeva yat karma kaayaklees`abhayaat tyajeet
sa krutvaa raajasam tyaagam naiva tyaagaphalam labheet

MSY 09
kaaryam iti eeva yat karma niyatam kriyatee arjuna
samgam tyaktvaa phalam ca iva sa tyaaga: saattvikoo mata:

na dveesht`i akus`alam karma kus`alee naanushajjatee
tyaagii sattvasamaavisht`oo meedhaavii chhinnasams`aya:

Krishna said: Experts say that renunciation is ceasing to perform all Actions which are desire and result oriented. Relinquishment is foregoing all the fruits of one's own Actions. (In relinquishment, actions will continue to be performed, but the result is allowed to lapse). (DELIVERANCE 2).
Some scholars say that as Actions have a shortcoming in the form of leading to attachment; hence they should be abandoned. Some others say that Sacrifices, Charity and Penance are actions which cannot be renounced. (DELIVERANCE 3).
Oh the Greatest among the Bharata clan! Oh Tiger among men! Now, listen to my decision with regard to relinquishment. In scriptures, three types of relinquishments were prescribed. (DELIVERANCE 4).
Sacrifices, Charity and Penance are not actions which are fit to be relinquished. They cleanse the intellect of the scholars and wise persons. (DELIVERANCE 5).
Paartha! The second type are the Result Relinquished Actions (RRAs). This is definite. In my view this is the best principle. (DELIVERANCE 6).
The third type of Relinquishment is the Relinquishment of the Daily chores and duties. Relinquishing them out of temptation, is called an IgnoDorma Relinquishment. (DELIVERANCE 7).
A person who thinks that Action leads to misery and with a view to avoid the task of facing them and the consequent hardships, does a KingThrust Relinquishment. He does not get the benefits of Relinquishment. (DELIVERANCE 8).
Arjuna! A person should shed the sense of being the "Doer" of his Actions and should not expect results from them. If he performs all his daily chores and actions with a sense of duty, such relinquishment is ToleStrong. This is a view. (DELIVERANCE 9).
A Relinquisher whose relinquishment is of ToleStrong quality, who is an intellectual, whose doubts have been cleared, does not hate Actions which cause misery and does not get addicted to Actions which cause comfort. (DELIVERANCE 10).

MSY 11
na hi deehabhrutaa s`akyam tyaktum karmaan`i as`eeshata:
yas tu karmaphalatyaagii sa tyaagiiti abhidhiiyatee

MSY 12
anisht`am isht`am mis`ram ca trividham karman`a: phalam
bhavati atyaaginaam preetya na tu sanyaasinaam kva chit

MSY 13
pamchaitaani mahaa baahoo kaaran`aani niboodha mee
saamkhyee krutaamtee prooktaani siddhayee sarvakarman`aam

MSY 14
adhisht`haanam tathaa kartaa karan`am ca pruthagvidham
vividhaas` ca pruthakcheesht`aa daivam ca ivaatra pamchamam

MSY 15
s`ariiravaammanoobhir yat karma praarabhatee nara:
nyaaiyam vaa vipariitam vaa pamchaitee tasya heetava:

MSY 16
tatraivam sati kartaaram aatmaanam keevalam tu ya:
pas`yati akrutabuddhitvaan na sa pas`yati durmati:

MSY 17
yasya naahamkrutoo bhaavoo buddhir yasya na lipyatee
hatvaapi sa imaa&l lookaan na hamti na nibadhyatee

MSY 18
gnaanam gneeyam parignaataa trividhaa karmachoodanaa
karan`am karma karteeti trividha: karmasamgraha:

MSY 19
gnaanam karma ca kartaa ca tridhaiva gun`abheedata:
proochyatee gun`asamkhyaanee yathaavach chhrun`u taani api

MSY 20
sarvabhuuteeshu yeenaikam bhaavam avyayam iikshatee
avibhaktam vibhakteeshu taj gnaanam viddhi saattvikam

For a bodyholder, it is not possible to shed all the Actions in toto. The one who relinquishes results of his Action is said to be the real Relinquisher. (DELIVERANCE 11).
There are three types of results for Actions 1. Not pleasant. 2. Pleasant 3. Mixed. These results accrue to a person who performs Actions expecting results. For the Relinuishers of Results, they will not accrue. (DELIVERANCE 12).
Oh Person of Great Hands! In the Saamkhya philosophy, for fulfilment of Actions, five reasons have been explained. Listen, I shall teach them now. (DELIVERANCE 13).
1. Body 2. A sense of being the Doer. 3. Tools such as such as eyes 4. Functions such as movement of air (respiration and digestive gases). 5. The Fate and the God (Imponderable). (DELIVERANCE 14).
These five are the Reasons for all Actions performed by a human being with his body, mind, voice, whether they are righteous or wrongful. (DELIVERANCE 15).
Thus, for performing all the Actions, when there are five Reasons, a person who thinks that he(she) himself is the Doer of all his Actions is not a balanced perspector, but a fool. Because of lack of wisdom, he is unable to analyse its secret. (DELIVERANCE 16).
A person who does not have the flamboyance of being the "Doer".and whose mind is not attached to and tempted by the fruits of his Actions, even if he annihilates the entire Creation and the Universe, he will not be a killer. He is not bound by the consequences of such destruction. (DELIVERANCE 17).
The knowledge, the target of knowing, the Knower, all the three are the Reasons for the complex sense of Action. The tool, the object and the Doer, these three are the shelters for the Action. (DELIVERANCE 18).
In the Saamkhya philosophy, there are three kinds of disstinctions: 1. Knowledge 2. Action 3. Doer. I shall explain them as they are (without modifications). (DELIVERANCE 19).
That Awareness, using which a person is able to identify the living spirit which takes up bodies of human, lower God and Living organisms is "ToleStrong" Awareness. The Knower views at the Living Soul as Indestructible and Infinite. (DELIVERANCE 20).

MSY 21
pruthaktveena tu yaj gnaanam naanaabhaavaan pruthagvidhaan
veetti sarveeshu bhuuteeshu taj gnaanam viddhi raajasam

MSY 22
yat tu krutsnavad eekasmin kaaryee saktam ahaitukam
atatvaarthavad alpam ca tat taamasam udaahrutam

MSY 23
niyatam samgarahitam araagadveeshata: krutam
aphalapreepsunaa karma yat tat saattvikam uchyatee

MSY 24
yat tu kaameepsunaa karma saahamkaareen`a vaa puna:
kriyatee bahulaayaasam tad raajasam udaahrutam

MSY 25
anubandham kshayam himsaam anapeekshya ca paurusham
moohaad aarabhyatee karma yat tat taamasam uchyatee

MSY 26
muktasamgoo anahamvaadii dhrutyutsaahasamanvita:
siddhyasiddhyoor nirvikaara: kartaa saattvika uchyatee

MSY 27
raagii karmaphalapreepsur lubdhoo himsaatmakoo as`uchi:
harshas`ookaanvita: kartaa raajasa: parikiirtita:

MSY 28
ayukta: praakruta: stabdha: s`at`hoo naikrutikoo alasa:
vishaadii diirghasuutrii ca kartaa taamasa uchyatee

MSY 29
buddheer bheedam dhrutees` ca iva
gun`atas trividham s`run`u
proochyamaanam as`eesheen`a
pruthaktveena dhanamjaya

MSY 30
pravruttim ca nivruttim ca kaaryaakaaryee bhayaabhayee
bandham mooksham ca yaa veetti buddhi: saa paartha saattvikii

A person who treats the Living Soul(s) present in the Creatures as separate and several, his knowledge is KingThrust. (DELIVERANCE 21).
That knowledge which settles down without any reason in an Action which just mundane and routine like bathing such knowledge which is devoid of the sanction of scriptures such inferior knowledge is called IgnoDorma Action. (DELIVERANCE 22).
Actions performed by a person in a disciplined and prescribed manner, without attachment, without likes and dislikes, without anticipating results, all such Actions are ToleStrong (Satvic - Full of energy and endurance). (DELIVERANCE 23).
The Actions performed by a person longing for result or by an egoist, when such actions cause much rigors to him, such penance is called the KingThrust (Raajasa = kinglike) (DELIVERANCE 24).
That Action which has destruction, violence, animosity and temptation as goals, is an IgnoDorma (Tamas=darkness) Action. (DELIVERANCE 25).
The Actions of a detached person, not an egoist, and full of enthusiasm and exuberance, not moved by fulfilment or failures -- are called ToleStrong Actions. (DELIVERANCE 26).
The person who is attached to his Actions, who is keen on results, covetous, violent, unclean, person affected by joys and sorrows -- such performer is a KingThrust performer. (DELIVERANCE 27).
The person engaged in inappropriate actions, who performs inherently his own inert actions, disobedient, evader, lazy dullard, pessimist, procrastinator is called an IgnoDorma performer. (DELIVERANCE 28).
Oh Conquerer of Wealth! The intellect and exuberance of a person is of three types related to three qualities of ToleStrong, KingThrust and the IgnoDorma. I shall explain them fully. Listen. (DELIVERANCE 29).
The intellect which can distinctly appreciate the attitudes and remissions, actions and inactions, fears and assurances, attachments and deliverances is ToleStrong Intellect. (DELIVERANCE 30).

MSY 31
yayaa dharmam adharmam ca kaaryam ca akaaryam eeva ca
ayathaavat prajaanaati buddhi: saa paartha raajasii

MSY 32
adharmam dharmam iti yaa manyatee tamasaavrutaa
sarvaarthaan vipariitaams` ca buddhi: saa paartha taamasii

MSY 33
dhrutyaa yayaa dhaarayatee mana:praan`eendriyakriyaa:
yoogeenaavyabhichaarin`yaa dhruti: saa paartha saattvikii

MSY 34
yayaa tu dharmakaamaarthaan dhrutyaa dhaarayatee arjuna
prasamgeena phalaakaamkshii dhruti: saa paartha raajasii

MSY 35
yayaa svapnam bhayam s`ookam vishaadam madam eeva ca
na vimumchati durmeedhaa dhruti: saa paartha taamasii

MSY 36
sukham tv idaaniim trividham s`run`u mee bharatarshabha
abhyaasaad ramatee yatra du:khaamtam ca nigachchhati

MSY 37
yat tadagree visham iva parin`aamee amrutoopamam
tat sukham saattvikam prooktam aatmabuddhiprasaadajam

MSY 38
vishayeendriyasamyoogaad yat tadagree amrutoopamam
parin`aamee visham iva tat sukham raajasam smrutam

MSY 39
yad agree ca anubandhee ca sukham moohanam aatmana:
nidraalasyapramaadoottham tat taamasam udaahrutam

MSY 40
na tad asti pruthivyaam vaa divi deeveeshu vaa puna:
sattvam prakrutijair muktam yad eebhi: syaat tribhir gun`ai:

Oh Son of Prutha! The intellect which does not take ethical and unethical acts, actions and inactions as they are and interpret them differently is the KingThrust Intellect. (DELIVERANCE 31).
Oh Son of Prutha! That intellect which considers and treats a wrong as right, and interprets all ideas in an odd and unnatural manner, is covered by the quality of darkness, such intellect is IgnoDorma. (DELIVERANCE 32).
That determination and exuberance which are settled in a concentrated undithering mind, control the mind, vital functions, are ToleStrong. (DELIVERANCE 33).
O Son of Prutha! A person who out of interest in righteousness, desires, wealth receives and bears them, the determination and exuberance of such person are the KingThrust type. (DELIVERANCE 34).
An evil minded person who does not shed sleep, fear, misery, sadness, pride etc., the determination and exuberance of such person are the IgnoDorma type. (DELIVERANCE 35).
Oh the Greatest of the Bharata Clan! Listen now the three types of comforts.. The experience which in course of practice and review becomes comfortable, which frees itself from the pangs of the family and the mundanus. (DELIVERANCE 36). -- which first looks poisonous, later becomes nectar like, which is born out of a pure intellect of spirituality, such comfort is ToleStrong. (T 37).
That experience which is born out of the Union of sensual organs, which initially tastes like nectar, but later turn out to be poisonous, such comfort is the KingThrust. (T 38).
That experience which from the beginning to the end produces attachment, temptation, sleep, laxity, danger and inalertness, such comfort is the IgnoDorma (T 39).
There is not a single organism on this Earth, in the Heaven and among the lower Gods, which has separated itself from the inherent Three Qualities. (DELIVERANCE 40).

MSY 41
braahman`a kshatriyavis`aam s`uudraan`aam ca paramtapa
karmaan`i pravibhaktaani svabhaava prabhavair gun`ai:

MSY 42
s`amoo damas tapa: s`aucham kshaamtir aarjavam eeva ca
gnaanam vignaanam aastikyam brahmakarma svabhaavajam

MSY 43
s`auryam teejoo dhrutir daakshyam yuddhee ca api apalaayanam
daanam iis`varabhaavas` ca kshatrakarma svabhaavajam

MSY 44
krushi goorakshya vaan`ijyam vais`yakarma svabhaavajam
paricaryaatmakam karma s`uudrasyaapi svabhaavajam

MSY 45
svee svee karman`i abhirata: samsiddhim labhatee nara:
svakarma nirata: siddhim yathaa vindati tat s`run`u

MSY 46
Yata: pravruttir bhuutaanaam yeena sarvam idam tatam
svakarman`aa tam abhyarchya siddhim vindati maanava:

MSY 47

S`reeyaan svadharmoo vigun`a:
paradharmaat svanusht`hitaat
Svabhaavaniyatam karma kurvan
na apnooti kilbisham

MSY 48

Sahajam karma kaumteeya! sadoosham api na tyajeet
sarvaarambhaa hi doosheen`a dhuumeen aagnir iva aavrutaa:

MSY 49
Asaktabuddhi: sarvatra jitaatmaa vigataspruha:
naishkarmyasiddhim paramaam sanyaaseena adhigachchhati

MSY 50
siddhim praaptoo yathaa brahma tathaapnooti niboodha mee
samaaseenaiva kaumteeya nisht`haa gnaanasya yaa paraa

Oh Schorchrer of foes! All the duties and Actions of the Priests, Warriors, Merchants, the Fourth Caste, have all been apportioned and assigned as per the inherent qualities. (DELIVERANCE 41).

(Comment: This is a ridiculous and monstrous prescriptions. How actions, duties and qualities can be attributed, divided and assigned to castes! Who divided them! Krishna? The Priests? The Warriors?).
Control of internal senses, Control of the external senses, penance, internal and external hygiene, endurance, simplicity, knowledge, awareness, faith (in scriptures and God) are the qualities inherent to the Priests. (DELIVERANCE 42).
Valor, vigor, courage, efficiency and effectiveness, not fleeing from the battle field, charity, desire to rule the world are all the inherent duties and Actions of a Warrior. (DELIVERANCE 43).
Agriculture, cow-rearing, trade, are the inherent functions of a Trader-caste-born person. Service is the inherent function of a Fourth-Caste born. (DELIVERANCE 44).
Those who perform their duties and actions will be entitled to fulfilment of knowledge. I shall explain you how. (DELIVERANCE 45).
The person who performs his duties will be worshipping that Supreme God from which all the Creatures have emerged and who is pervading throughout the Universe and attaining fulfilment. (Doing one's own duty is the worship). (DELIVERANCE 46).
A prescribed duty and Action.defectively performed is better than a well discharged function which is alloted to others. A person who does his duty and action inherent to his nature will not get sin. (DELIVERANCE 47).
Oh Son of Kumti! Natural duties and functions, though faulty, should not be abandoned. All duties and Actions are covered by defects and lapses, just as fire is covered by smoke. (DELIVERANCE 48).

Unattached intellect, Regulated intellect, Conquering of desires, the greatest fulfilment of becoming a Non-performer while remaining fully active -- all these can be accomplished through RELINQUISHMENT AND RENUNCIATION. (LIBERATION 49).

Oh Son of Kumti! Now listen from me how a person who has accomplished the "State of Relinquished Action" attains the Supreme Spirit and what is the ultimate State for the "Knowledge". (DELIVERANCE 50).

MSY 51
buddhyaa vis`uddhayaa yuktoo dhrutyaatmaanam niyamya ca
s`abdaadiin vishayaams tyaktvaa raagadveeshau vyudasya ca

MSY 52
viviktaseevii laghvaas`ii yata vaakkaaya maanasa:
dhyaanayoogaparoo nityam vairaagyam samupaas`rita:

MSY 53
ahamkaaram balam darpam kaamam kroodham parigraham
vimuchya nirmama: s`aamtoo brahmabhuuyaaya kalpatee

MSY 54
brahmabhuuta: prasannaatmaa na s`oochati na kaamkshati
sama: sarveeshu bhuuteeshu madbhaktim labhatee paraam

MSY 55
bhaktyaa maam abhijaanaati yaavaan yas` ca asmi tatvata:
tatoo maam tatvatoo gnaatvaa vis`atee tadanamtaram

MSY 56
sarvakarmaan`i api sadaa kurvaan`oo madvyapaas`raya:
matprasaadaad avaapnooti s`aas`vatam padam avyayam

MSY 57
cheetasaa sarvakarmaan`i maii sanyasya matpara:
buddhiyoogam upaas`ritya machchitta: satatam bhava

MSY 58
machchitta: sarvadurgaan`i matprasaadaat tarishyasi
atha cheet tvam ahamkaaraan na s`rooshyasi vinamkshyasi

MSY 59
yad ahamkaaram aas`ritya na yootsya iti manyasee
mithyaisha vyavasaayas tee prakrutis tvaam niyookshyati

MSY 60
svabhaavajeena kaumteeya nibaddha: sveena karman`aa
kartum neechchhasi yan moohaat karishyasi avas`oo api tat

Equipped with a clean and pure intellect, controlled by courage, having relinquished interest in objects like sound, having abandoned love and hate (DELIVERANCE 51);
Living in recluse, eating less, controlling mind, speech and actions, always engaged in meditation and contemplation, earns the "State of Renunciation". (DELIVERANCE 52).
The person who sheds Ego and Pride, use of physical force, flamboyance, lust, anger, tendency to expect and receive money and things from others, the sense of "MY (possession)" will be entitled to the experience of bliss and the Supreme Spirit. (DELIVERANCE 53).
The one who has experienced the Supreme Spirit, has a serene soul, does not regret or desire for things, views all the Creatures with equanimity, gets devotion to me and ultimately the salvation. (DELIVERANCE 54).
The one who understands me, my true philosophical spirit, will later enters me. (DELIVERANCE 55).
The person who is solely devoted to me does the daily chores and duties, by my grace, attains the eternal infinite Indestructible State. (DELIVERANCE 56).
Performing all duties and actions surrendered in my favour, practising the Union of Intellect with the Supreme Spirit, be filled with Me. (DELIVERANCE 57).
If your intellect is filled with me, by my grace, you will overcome all difficulties. If you ignore my teachings out of ego and pride, you will perish. (DELIVERANCE 58).
If you think out of ego and pride, not to fight the war, remember that all such ideas of yours will be futile. This is because, by your very inherent nature you are bound to fight. (DELIVERANCE 59).
Oh Son of Kumti! Those duties and actions which you are hesitating to perform owing to temptation and delusion, you will execute all such functions, against your will, being bound by your inherent nature and be motivated to do. (DELIVERANCE 60).

MSY 61
iis`vara: sarvabhuutaanaam hruddees`ee arjuna tisht`hati
bhraamayan sarvabhuutaani yamtraaruud`haani maayayaa

MSY 62
tam eeva s`aran`am gachchha sarvabhaaveena bhaarata
tatprasaadaat paraam s`aamtim sthaanam praapsyasi s`aas`vatam

MSY 63
iti tee gnaanam aakhyaatam guhyaad guhyataram mayaa
vimrus`yaitad as`eesheen`a yatheechchhasi tathaa kuru

MSY 64
sarva guhyatamam bhuuya: s`run`u mee paramam vacha:
isht`oo asi mee drud`ham iti tatoo vakshyaami tee hitam

MSY 65
man(t) manaa bhava mad bhaktoo mad yaajii maam namaskuru
maam eevaishyasi satyam tee pratijaanee priyoo asi mee

MSY 66 :
sarvadharmaan parityajya
maam eekam s`aran`am vraja
aham tvaa sarvapaapeebhyoo
mookshaiishyaami maa s`ucha:

MSY 67
idam tee naatapaskaaya naabhaktaaya kadaa ca na
na ca as`us`ruushavee vaachyam na ca maam yoo abhyasuuyati

MSY 68
ya idam paramam guhyam mad bhakteeshv abhidhaasyati
bhaktim maii paraam krutvaa maam eevaishyati asams`aya:

MSY 69
na ca tasmaan manushyeeshu kas` chin mee priyakruttama:
bhavitaa na ca mee tasmaad anya: priyataroo bhuvi

MSY 70
adhyeeshyatee ca ya imam dharmyam samvaadam aavayoo:
gnaana yagneena teena aham isht`a: syaam iti mee mati:

Oh Arjuna! The Lord sits in the seat of hearts of all the Creatures and by his magical spell make them revolve like the parts of a machine. (DELIVERANCE 61).

Oh person of Bharata clan! Take refuge in that God! By his grace get ultimate peace, and eternal presence at his place. (DELIVERANCE 62).
Thus, I have taught you the supreme and extremely secret knowledge. Contemplate over this carefully and do as you like. (DELIVERANCE 63).
Again listen to my advice which is the utmost secret, the greatest and the best. You are my dearest. Hence I gave you this beneficial discourse. (DELIVERANCE 64).
Be a person with mind filled with Me. Be my devotee. Be my worshipper. Salute me. By doing so, you will get me. I am solemnly teaching you this truth, only because you are dear to me. (DELIVERANCE 65).
Leave all duties, actions and functions. Take refuge only in me. I shall deliver you from all sins. Do not grieve. (DELIVERANCE 66).
You should not at any time, teach this (Gita) to a person who is not an ascetic, who is not my devotee, who does not serve me, and the person who always hates me. (DELIVERANCE 67).
The person who teaches this great secret (Gita), to my devotees, will become my devotee, will become my greater devotee and ultimately attain Me. There is no doubt about this. (DELIVERANCE 68).
There is no body who is dearer to me than he (whoever preaches and explains Gita to Krishna's devotees mentioned in the previous verse). In future also, there will be nobody more dearer, on this Earth. (DELIVERANCE 69).
Whoever studies this conversation of the righteousness, will be performing a Sacrifice of Knowledge and he will worship me through it. (DELIVERANCE 70).

MSY 71
s`raddhaavaan anasuuyas` ca
s`run`uyaad api yoo nara:
soo api mukta: s`ubha lookaan
praapnuyaat pun`yakarman`aam

MSY 72
kachchid eetach chhrutam paartha
tvayaikaagreen`a cheetasaa
kachchid agnaana sammooha:
pranasht`as tee dhanamjaya

MSY 73
nasht`oo mooha: smrutir labdhaa
tvatprasaadaan mayaachyuta
sthitoo asmi gatasamdeeha:
karishyee vachanam tava

MSY 74
samjaya uvaacha
iti aham vaasudeevasya
paarthasya ca mahaatmana:
samvaadam imam as`rausham
adbhutam roomaharshan`am

MSY 75
vyaasa prasaadaach chhrutavaan
eetad guhyam aham param
yoogam yoogees`varaat krushn`aat
saakshaat kathayata: svayam

MSY 76
raajan samsmrutya samsmrutya
samvaadam imam adbhutam
kees`ava arjunayoo: pun`yam
hrushyaami ca muhur muhu:

MSY 77
tach ca samsmrutya samsmrutya
ruupam atyadbhutam haree:
vismayoo mee mahaan raajan
hrushyaami ca puna: puna:

MSY 78
yatra yoogees`vara: krushn`oo
yatra paarthoo dhanurdhara:
tatra s`riir vijayoo bhuutir
dhruvaa niitir matir mama

If a sincere and envy-free person listens to this, he will be delivered (of sins) and will attain worlds of the Virtuous. (DELIVERANCE 71).

Oh Son of Prutha! Have you heard this (Gita) with a mind of utmost concentration? Oh Conquerer of Wealth! Has your IGNORANCE born from temptation is gone? (DELIVERANCE 72).

Arjuna said: By your grace, all my temptation is gone. I got back the memory of my own real form. Now, I stand with all my doubts cleared. I shall do as per your word.s (DELIVERANCE 73).

Samjaya said (to Dhrutaraaaht`ra):
This is the wonderful and hair-raising conversation between Krishna and Arjuna, heard by me. (DELIVERANCE 74).
By the grace of Vyaasa, I heard this extremely secret "Union" from the "Lord of the Union--Krishna" when he himself was teaching Arjuna.. (DELIVERANCE 75).
Oh King! I again and again recall and derive pleasure by recalling this wonderful and virtuous conversation between Kees`ava (Krishna) and Arjuna. (DELIVERANCE 76).
Oh King! By recalling again and again the divine and wonderful form of Hari (Krishna), I derive great amazement and ecstatic again and again. (DELIVERANCE 77).
Wherever there is the Lord of the Union Krishna,
Wherever there is the Bow-wielding Arjuna,
there will be wealth and victory.
To my mind this is absolutely certain. (DELIVERANCE 78).

--End of Chapter 18--

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